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tja, immer wenn mich Musik- oder Wirtschaftslehreunterricht mal wieder so richitg nerven, fang ich an n bisl was zu schreiben... ihr glaubt gar nich wie kreativ solche Stunden sein können! Nun ja, ich hab hier mal ein paar meiner "Werke" reingestellt... viel Spaß damit ;)




Your heart is drifting away from me,

Is drifting out to the rough open sea.

I wathch it sailing, the wind ’s blowing strong,

But my hands are tied, so I cannot hold on.

So I watch the lil boat, on the horizon it passes by

Looking into the sunset, seems as if it would fly.

So maybe, is your heart flying away from me to the sky?!

Cause then I did try to catch you like a butterfly.

But do not be scared, if I caught you and you

kept on beating your wings,

I would release you again, cause capture ’s not one of my things.

And even if you left me alone, and that hurtet me, though,

I would let you flow, cause a word says

If you love him, let him go.





Kreaturen der Nacht,

erschaffen aus Angst, aus Furcht gemacht.

Auf der Suche nach Leben,

nach verlorenen Seelen,

auf der Jagd nach Licht;

vergiss sie nicht!


Wenn sie im Dunkeln grollen,

ihre roten Augen rollen,

dann bist du verloren:

sie kommen um dich zu holen.


Sie dringen in dich ein,

ergreifen Besitz von Mark und Bein,

sie fressen dich auf, von innen heraus,

nur eine leere Huelle bleibt zurueck –

es ist alles aus.





Seems as if we yould never be together

But for me that doesn’t matter

Because on every breath I take

And on every little step I take

The image of you is on my mind

And then there’s not any other clear thought I can find


People say that you are strange

Think you’re mad and call you a fool

But for me it’s a lie even if for them it’s a rule

I’ve seen you’re true colours some times before

I’ve seen you’re sensible a true friend and so much more

Even if noone will ever believe me

When I tell them you are worth

More than all the money in the world

I’ll keep on telling them straight into face

Until my bones flesh and skin will be cold


You mean so much to me that words

Are not enough to explain what it is

But maybe I don’t have to explain

because you also know a feeling like this

I just wanna be with you every second of the day

But if that will ever come true I can only hope

Maybe it may